Tuesday, August 13, 2024

#SCBWIsummer24 Recordings are Available for Those Who Registered!

logo for #SCBWIsummer24

This is VERY cool... now we get to virtually attend all those breakout sessions we were interested in but weren't able to do simultaneously with the one we chose... for each of the time slots!

For folks who registered for the 2024 SCBWI Summer conference, here's how to access:

1) go to scbwi.org and log in 

2) click MEMBER HOME


4) You should see this as one of the options: Summer Virtual Conference 2024 Handouts, Video Replays, and Social Media Assets

There's a wealth of videos and handouts... but it's all available for only a few more weeks.

So many I wanted to go to, and now I get the next best thing! (We get the next best thing, actually...)

Illustrate, Translate and Write On,

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