Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Laini Taylor Shares a Fun Writing Exercise

So over on Instagram, Laini Taylor @lainit, author of the bestselling Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy among other YA titles, shared this really fun writing exercise. With Laini's permission, I'm sharing it here:

Screen shot of Laini's instagram post with photo and instructions - these are in text and alt text in the rest of this blog post

"This was the writing exercise we did this morning at my weekly Zoom meeting (optional; some people just work on their wip’s):

Choose 1 word off list A and 1 off List B and use the result as a title or prompt for a freewrite, poem, brainstorm, story, or whatever. I posted a numbered version of the list too, since we’ve sometimes found it better to let a dice roll choose for you (there’s a virtual 20-sided die site if you don’t have one). I got “riot whisper” and gave it a quick 15-minute freewrite effort, which was fun! There are some good combos in there if you want to play!” —Laini Taylor

Here's the close-up on those lists:

photo of a sticky note in a notebook that reads: List A: Butterfly, Ghost, Beast, Song, Riot, Scar, Glass, Serpent, Dusk, Dawn, Other, Lost, Hungry, Scream, Winter, Claw, Thunder, Clockwork, Orchid, Angel, Smoke, Saint

photo of a sticky note in a notebook next to 20-sided die that reads: List B: Poem, Eye, Sapphire, Kingdom, Bride, Library, City, Chalice, Body, Wolf, Whisper, Sport, Serenade, Sword, Heart, Baby, Collector, Apple, Witch, Nocturne, Sparrow, Sky

Hope it inspires you as well! Thanks, Laini!

Learn more about Laini and her books here.

Illustrate, Translate, and Write On,

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