Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The New SCBWI Pitch-Perfect Translation Grant

Translator friends, check this out!

screenshot of the Pitch-Perfect Translation Grant page from the SCBWI website

The SCBWI Pitch-Perfect Translation Grant assists children’s book translators in the development of a specific translation project into English, which is not currently under contract. Up to two winners will be selected annually. 

Entrants will submit a written pitch of up to 500 words and a short translation sample of up to 500 words from the work being pitched. Each winner will receive $500 and the opportunity to craft a longer sample of up to 4000 words, which will be made available on a secure webpage and presented to a hand-selected group of editors, along with the pitch.

Special consideration will be given to emerging translators and to works translated from underrepresented languages.

Deadline for this inaugural grant: 

Submissions accepted from July 1 to July 31

Announcement and payment of grant: October

Winners’ pitches and longer samples posted on secure webpage at the end of 2024.

Get all the details at the scbwi website here, and good luck with your translation pitches!

Illustrate, Translate, and Write On,

PS - Thanks to Avery Fischer Udagawa, SCBWI's volunteer Global Translator Coordinator, for the heads-up on this! 

1 comment:

Avery Fischer Udagawa, SCBWI Global Translator Coordinator said...

Thank you for the coverage and the shout-out, Lee! Translators, start perfecting your pitches!