Thursday, January 18, 2024

Interview with Jennifer Green, the owner of Green Bean Books

 By: Megan Woodward

I've always thought that working in a children's book store would be the ultimate dream job. Being around kid lit and kids who love books-- it's all I want in life! (Expect for like millions of dollars). Well, in June 2023, my dream was realized when Jennifer Green hired me to work part time at Green Bean Books, a charming little children's book store on Alberta St in Portland, OR, that's reminiscent of The Shop Around the Corner in the movie YOU'VE GOT MAIL. If you are a child or a lover of children's books-- this place is Heaven on earth. It's magical, it's whimsical, it's cozy, it employs Earl (the most knowledgable children's bookseller you'll ever meet), it's chock full of books from board books through middle grade, it sells the cutest stuffies ever, and it even has a vending machine for finger puppets handmade by Jennifer herself! Not to mention-- all of the awesome author events and weekly story times! If you visit Portland, don't miss it!

You can visit our website here, our Facebook page here, and our Instagram page here

As a children's book author, it's been super interesting and beneficial to see things from a bookseller's perspective and observe all kinds of authors events. So, to share some of that knowledge and wisdom with you all, Jennifer Green, the owner of Green Bean Books has graciously allowed me to interview her! 

The Interview: 

MW: Tell us a little bit about your journey in opening a bookstore. What led you to become a bookseller?

JG: It all started when I was seven and made a library in my bedroom that neighbors could checkout books from. I tried to be easy on them with the fines! (: Then I moved up to working the desk at the library as well as a couple independent bookstores throughout college. I ended up teaching elementary school for ten years and became known as the teacher to borrow books from in my school. My favorite part of teaching was read-aloud time with the kids. When I decided I needed a change from teaching it felt like owning a bookstore was my natural next step and perhaps what I was meant to do all along. I started my store as a used/new store with most of the used books coming from my own classroom collection which nearly filled the store! I guess I’ve always been sort of a book hoarder and I figured it was time to share more books with the world.

MW: How do you curate your book selection for the store? Do you have certain criteria? Do you read reviews? How much influence do book sales reps have on your choices?

JG: Yes, I read reviews, follow favorite kidlit blogs and social media accounts, comb through catalogs and get advice from my very valued reps. All of it combined together! I also talk to staff and customers to find out what people are asking for and wishing they could find most. 

I have my own preferred aesthetic and personal preferences for the artwork and stories in books, but I also try to think what a wide array of people wandering into my store might be looking for as well. It’s important to me to curate a collection of books that reflects the diversity of our world. I’d like every kid who walks into GBB to feel like they can see themselves reflected in the books we carry.

MW: Would you prefer an author to email, call, or mail you to let you know they have a book coming out?

JG: I would prefer an email or USPS mailing listing as much info as possible about the book including images. It’s especially nice when authors know something about our store and why they think the book would make a good fit in our store. Attachments of excerpts and bio info are ideal. I am more likely to respond to a personal email or letter rather than a cut and pasted impersonal sounding one. It's also great if an author asks if they can drop by or mail a copy of their book if they have one to share.

When authors just drop by the store to present their book with no warning, it can be inconvenient if we are helping a customer or immersed in a project, so this is not advised.

MW: What types of books would you personally like to see more of? Fewer of? 

JG: I would love to see more books with universal stories showing casual diversity. In terms of picture books, customers seem to be seeking longer stories and stories with humor. 

I would also like to see more kidlit choices in the 2nd-3rd grade chapter book level.

MW: What types of books tend to sell better than others? Are there any recent trends you’ve noticed becoming popular?

JG: I feel like heavily illustrated chapter books are having a moment. Also, graphic novels for 1st and 2nd graders are hot right now.

MW: What is the best way for authors to contact and collaborate with you for events? Any “do’s” or “don’ts” for approaching a bookseller? 

JG: Email is the best way to set up an event. We love it when authors contact us at least two months (or more) before they'd like to schedule a book reading. That gives us plenty of time to plan, order books, make signs, do posts, press releases and other publicity tasks. All of that takes more time than you might think. Events are usually more successful when authors share invitations and promote their event too on their social media and with friends and family. It's wonderful if authors can give us a semi-accurate estimate of how many people they think might attend. This helps us with book ordering. Sometimes authors will bring extra books that they have themselves too just in case we run out at the event. We then consign these for them and we are very grateful when this happens.

It's fantastic if authors have bookmarks, posters and prints to give away, especially as an incentive for customers to buy their book. Sometimes we'll raffle a print that the author donates. The key is that customers have to buy a book to get their name in the raffle hat. 

It's especially wonderful if an author can plan and provide an activity or craft to go with their reading. Kids events with crafts or activities attached always draw more of an audience. If you do plan a craft or activity, it's great to take and send pictures along with a description of the activity so that we can promote the activity that goes with the event on social media and in our newsletter. It's also such a gift when the author brings their own supplies. We always appreciate when the activity is not too messy as well. Paint doesn't usually work well in our little space.

Sometimes the author wants to offer snacks, which is great, but it's good to run what you will be bringing by us first so we can make sure it's not too messy as well. We usually do snacks out on our outdoor deck for this reason. 

It’s also ideal if the event at our store is not scheduled right after or before a similar event at a nearby store. This tends to reduce our audience potential.

MW: Do you collaborate with authors for school visits? Can you explain how that works? 

JG: School visits take a bit longer to set up so we like to have at least 3 months lead time to make these really successful. It takes time to make arrangements, create and distribute the order forms, get them back from students, and then order the books. It's wonderful if the author gives us a full description of their presentation format, and offers video clips or references from past school visits to share with a school. This can help in selling the visit to librarians and school administrators.

It’s also great when the author can let us know what exact technical accommodations they will need such as microphone, Mac dongle etc. ahead of time so we can make sure the school is set-up and ready for them. If there are materials in advance that we can provide the teachers with such as bookmarks or book trailers, that also helps generate more student interest in the book.

MW: What are your recent personal favorites in each category/ age range? 


Ferris by Kate DiCamillo- early middle reader

Coyote Sunrise Lost and Found by Dan Gemeinhart- middle reader

102 Days of Lying About Lauren by Maura Jortner

Frank and Bert by Chris Naylor-Ballesteros- Picture Book

The Hidden World of Gnomes by Lauren Soloy-picture Book

Mexikid by Pedro Martin- middle grade graphic novel


MW: What is your favorite thing about being a children’s bookseller? 

JG: There’s nothing better than finding the perfect book for a child! When a child or parent comes back and tells me that they connected with a book I recommended, it makes me glow!

MW: Any other words of wisdom or advice for kid lit writers you’d like to add? 

JG: Please shop at indie bookstores that you’d like support from. It’s a two way street. You need our support and we need yours too!

MW: Yes! So much this. Don't order your books from Amazon! It's just as easy to order them online from your local indie! Or better yet, go in and connect with the booksellers in person-- it's a joy to talk to people who are passionate about books. They LOVE what they do and are guaranteed to recommend wonderful books you might not have otherwise discovered. I speak from personal experience-- it is SUCH a pleasure to help connect kids with books they love. Truly truly a dream job.

The best way you can thank Jennifer Green for all this wonderful insight is to buy books from your local indie!


Megan has an MFA in screenwriting from UCLA, and has been working as a comedy screenwriter for over 10 years. After becoming a mom, she rediscovered her long-lost love of children’s books and has since been pursuing a career in kid-lit. She also works part-time in a children's book store called Green Bean Books, in Portland, OR.

Megan is a member of the SCBWI community, 12x12 PB challenge, multiple picture book critique groups, and PB Soar 24 (a promotional marketing group of authors debuting in 2024).

Additionally, Megan offers manuscript and screenplay critiques and editing. To work with Megan or learn about her available services, click here.

Megan's debut picture book, THIS BOOK IS DEFINITELY NOT CURSED, illustrated by Risa Rodil, will be released on June 25, 2024 by Simon and Schuster. 

You can PREORDER here.

OR: If you're local or near Portland, you can. preorder a signed copy from Green Bean Books!!!

Follow Megan on InstagramTwitterBluesky, and Facebook.

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