Thursday, November 16, 2023

Library Love

Written by Leah Moser

For those of you who don’t follow me on social media, I post pictures of my weekly library hauls. Simply put, library hauls are books you select from the library. We all know that libraries are magical places. But sometimes, when I'm there, I feel a bit overwhelmed because...

So, I strategically select mine on the computer beforehand. 

How do I select the books for my library haul? 

I choose books by authors/illustrators who I follow, work with, or admire, newly released stories, books that are banned (😡), books written by underrepresented authors, and books I’ve seen on social media. 

So then I just sit there and read them all? 

Kind of... 

After I take my library haul picture (see below), I lay each book out so my children can browse through. And let me tell you, they get SO excited each week!

Since beginning my library hauls, we have read hundreds of books together across all genres. My children have read words by authors they’ve met. They’ve been introduced to new topics, viewpoints, traditions, and cultures. They’ve laughed, they’ve cried. They’ve been confused and asked hard questions. They’ve made connections between authors and identified artists from prior books. 

Thanks to these library hauls, our family has bonded over a love of picture books! Why not give it a try?

Quick tips:

  • Picture books are for everybody and every age!
  • Let your children “check out books” from your stack - it’s very interesting and informative to see which books catch their eye
  • If you are able to purchase all the picture books, that is great. But local libraries are wonderful for reading then returning books while also supporting authors/illustrators
  • Show the book creators love by tagging them on social media. As I mentioned in my previous blog, the kid lit community is full of supportive, wonderful people so give them a shoutout
  • If you really like a book, write a review online and buy some copies for friends
  • Follow me on social media to see my newest library hauls: Twitter, Instagram, and Bluesky

About the Author

Leah Moser is a former elementary school teacher turned children’s book author. She lives in Northern Virginia with her husband, three children, and dog. 

Leah is a member of the SCBWI community, 12x12 PB challenge, multiple picture book critique groups, PB Soar 24 (a promotional marketing group of authors debuting in 2024), and is a judge for Vivian Kirkfield’s 50 Precious Words contest. 

Additionally, Leah has recently launched her own freelance picture book editing company to help other writers! To work with Leah or learn about her available services, click here.

Leah is represented by Daniel Cramer of Page Turner Literary Agency. Her debut picture book titled I Am a Thundercloud, illustrated by Marie Hermansson, will be released in April 2024 by Running Press Kids/Hachette.  PREORDER HERE!

Connect with Leah and follow her on InstagramTwitter, and Bluesky.

1 comment:

@melissa_trempe said...

Loved reading your strategy! I need to be better about taking pics of my library hauls!!