Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Back to School and Time to... Play?

Chalkboard graphic with the words "Back To School" underlined in blue chalk with three stars sprinkled around the words

It's September, and most kiddos are back to school after the summer break.

Maybe because we ourselves were kiddos at one time, and our formative years were shaped by this pattern, September still has that 'time to get back to work' feel.

Only, now I'm an adult, and kind of work all the time. 

I can almost hear you say that. Then again, maybe that's just ME saying that.

Either way, I'd like to share a challenge that's partly inspired by the wonderful Debbie Ohi, who's been sharing on social media (like here on Instagram) how much fun she's having with a new artistic technique - collage.

As Debbie wrote in that post, 

"I have no idea if I'll ever use this for illustrating children's books, but I'm having so much fun just PLAYING right now." —Debbie Ridpath Ohi

Maybe ask yourself, what does play look like in your creative process? Can you play with poems? With composing in a different language? With music? With art yourself?

How can we add play to the mix of our lives as we all juggle our must-dos and want-to-dos?

Some play might be just what we (and our creative work) need.

Illustrate, Translate, and Write On,

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