Thursday, December 29, 2016


New Year's eve is almost here...

Now is the perfect time to take a deep breath, grab a journal, and think, and brainstorm, and muse about your author/illustrator journey.

What are your goals moving forward into 2017?

Consider making a list of goals to accomplish that you control -

Selling a book isn't in your control. Submitting a manuscript to your dream agent is.
Making the best-seller lists isn't in your control. Making a book trailer is.
Having a theme park based on your book isn't in your control. Setting your butt-in-chair writing and illustrating goals (i.e., I'm going to devote two hours a day, five days a week to this endeavor) is in your control.

Set your own goals (make a list to help keep yourself accountable and on-track) and set your path to make those goals happen (do you need to schedule creative time into your calendar? Do it!)

Here's to taking control, and taking charge of our creative journeys in the year ahead!

Illustrate and Write On,

1 comment:

G.S-Renewed said...

Thanks so much for saying post your goals as I am NOT a "resolution" fan. However, this year, I've even taken a slighter different approach and have created two "Hashtags" which are: #AnythingIsPossible and #ComeCleanIn2017
as I have been renewed to what I want out of life and it took me to turn 50 to realize it. Well, I guess my dad (may he rest in peace)was right when he always said to me, "You're my late bloomer..." On that note, have a great new year and surely, make it better in 2017 than it was in 2016.

Blogger: msgeesoupblog
Twitter: Thewriterlady2
Facebook: GerriS-Renewed
Future Children's Book Author