Below you'll find Little, Brown in the news for both Stephenie Meyer's BREE TANNER and publishing GLEE books. The New York Times offers a good rundown of e-readers. If you choose a Kindle, you can now get a waterproof cover just in time for beach season (which sounds so much better than a duo of big Ziplock bags which Jeff Bezoz once said he used for in-the-tub reading). The Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards were announced. One prominent editor moved houses and another is tragically without a home after a fire. A writer on Huffington Post reveals how the iPad can make kids smarter. And don't miss agent Nathan Bransford's piece on the rejection letter of the future (spoiler: it is not in a silver lamé envelope delivered by a mail-droid via hovercraft).
Click titles for links to the full articles. Happy Friday and happy reading!
Bree Tanner' Proves Lackluster for Indies (PW)
"While Stephenie Meyer’s publisher is touting strong sales figures out of the gate for her new novella, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, not everyone in the bookselling community is happy with how the slim title is faring. A number of independent booksellers are complaining that Meyer’s book, which pubbed on June 5, isn’t selling in their stores. This, despite Little, Brown’s news that the book sold more than 350,000 copies in its first two days."
Glee exclusive: Little, Brown to publish books (EW)
"After last night’s Glee finale, you probably thought some of the mania would die down for a bit? Not a chance. Shelf Life has learned that Little, Brown Books for Young Readers has struck a deal with Twentieth Century Fox to publish a line of official Glee-related books. (There are Glee books aplenty out there, but they are all unauthorized.) Little, Brown has multiple book projects in the works for its Glee program; the first to roll off the press will be an original novel called Glee: The Beginning. This prequel to the show, which includes a double-sided poster, will hit stores this August."
Publishing Community Unites to Help Editor After House Fire (GalleyCat)
"Yesterday Sterling Books editor Alyssa Smith lost everything in an apartment fire. To help her friend, Publishers Weekly editor Rose Fox has set up a PayPal site to collect donations from the publishing community."
Apple Unveils iPhone, iBooks Upgrades; Five Million e-Books Downloaded (PW)
"Although books are not necessarily the focus of Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers conference in San Francisco—where the new iPhone 4 was unveiled today—Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced several upgrades for the iBook e-book format and several impressive book related upgrades for the new iPhone 4."
Suzanne Murphy Tapped to Head Disney Book Group (PW)
"Suzanne Murphy has been named v-p and publisher of books at Disney Publishing Worldwide. Murphy is arriving from Scholastic, where she was v-p and group publisher of Scholastic Trade; at DPW she will be overseeing all content strategies for books, as well as handling the group's imprints, Disney-Hyperion, Disney-Jump at the Sun, Disney Editions, and Disney Press. Murphy will also handle content for the company's extensive licensing program, as well as digital content strategies. Murphy is replacing Jonathan Yaged, who left DPW in late February."
How iPads Can Make Your Kids Smarter (HuffPo)
"So the verdict's in: Technology is eroding our brains. Or so the two most venerable bastions of print media would have us believe. Nick Carr's article in the Saturday Wall Street Journal, "Does the Internet Make You Dumber?" makes the case from a neurological standpoint, and a recently most-emailed New York Times article, "Your Brain on Computers," accompanied by a photo of a husband and wife absorbed in their iPads at the breakfast table, is upfront in its equation of technology with addictive drugs."
Kids' books: 7 new picture books starring Dad (Seattle Times)
"With Father's Day approaching (June 20 this year), here's a roundup of children's books about dads. The titles include 'The Fathers Are Coming Home' (by the author of 'Goodnight Moon'), 'Oh, Daddy!' and 'Stars Above Us.' This Father's Day, get Dad a present he can share with his children: a picture book. To get you started, here's a look at some new picture books in which dads play a starring role..."
The Rejection Letter of the Future Will Be Silence (And Why This is a Good Thing) (HuffPo)
"One of the more challenging aspects of being a literary agent is dealing with the incredible deluge of submissions that pour in every single day, twenty four hours a day, from all corners of the globe and for every type of project imaginable. I don't keep precise stats on the number I receive (it's hard enough just to answer them all), but in any given year I receive somewhere between 15,000 and 20,000 query letters from aspiring authors. Out of those tens of thousands I reject all but a tiny handful of them and take on perhaps three to five clients a year, whose work I then shop to publishers."
Among E-Readers, Competition Heats Up (NYT)
"When Steven P. Jobs, Apple’s chief executive, introduced the iPad, he bluntly took aim at the rapidly emerging e-reader market. 'Amazon has done a great job' with the Kindle, he said. 'We’re going to stand on their shoulders and go a little bit further.' The iPad’s full-color screen and its ability to browse the Web and run thousands of applications certainly make it more versatile than the Kindle, but Apple is not the only company bringing more than just black-on-white text to readers."
Take Your Kindle Swimming With Its First Waterproof Case (Gizmodo)
"Now you can float on your raft, minus the fear of getting your digital copy of Twilight waterlogged. M-Edge's Guardian case is a bloody expensive $80, but if that means protecting your $260 ereader, then it's well worth it."
Okay, I hope technology is not making me dumber because I'm on the computer all the time between work, blogging & writing.
Thanks for posting the link to Nathan Bransford's article. It'll be interesting to see if he's right.
If being on a using technology makes us dumber, I'm in big trouble. BIG.
Browsing has to develop curiosity and associative pattern cognition. Those seem like intelligences to me...
Hey, Alice, I'm a new follower!(I don't know if you can tell since you have so many.)
Anyway, thanks for the links I will definitely check it out.
Plus, if the internet does make people dumber--I fear the end of mankind as we know it...
*Cue dramatic music*
Write on!
I missed a couple of these, so I'm glad I checked in here. Better late than never, I say!
Always look forward to the results of your gathering sessions.
I don't think technology is making me dumber, but it sure is making me busier!
I love this blog! I don't think it's very surprising that Bree Tanner isn't selling too well - Stephenie Meyer has made it available to read for free at breetanner.com. I looked for a hit-counter on the page, but unfortunately you can't see how many people have read it. That would be interesting.
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