Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Essential Elements of an Author Website: A Guide for Writers

In today's digital age, having an author website is essential for writers who want to establish their brand, connect with readers, and promote their work. But don't worry, you don't need to be a tech wizard to make it happen. With a little guidance, you can create a website that showcases your unique style AND connects with your audience.

In this post, I'll walk you through the essential elements that every author's website should include. From the home page to the contact page, I've got you covered. 

And don't worry, I promise to keep things interesting and maybe even a little humorous. So, put on your website-building hat, grab a refreshing drink, and let's get started!


Home Page

The home page is the first thing visitors see when they arrive on your website. It's your chance to make a great first impression and show readers who you are and what you're all about. To make the most of this opportunity, your home page should be well-designed, visually appealing, and easy to navigate.

  • Visual appeal: Your homepage should be visually appealing and professional-looking. Use high-quality images and a consistent color scheme to make a good first impression on visitors.

  • Introduction: Your homepage should include a brief introduction to who you are and what you do. This could include your name, your genre, and a tagline that encapsulates your writing style.

  • Professional headshot: Including a professional headshot can add a personal touch to your homepage and help readers connect with you on a personal level.

  • Call to action: You can include a call to action on your homepage, such as signing up for your newsletter or following you on social media. This can help you build a loyal fan base and keep readers engaged with your work.

Finally, don't forget to keep your home page updated. Your website is a reflection of you and your work, so make sure it's always fresh and relevant. Consider including a section for news or updates, where you can share information about upcoming releases, appearances, or other exciting events.

About Page

About Page example from the website of
Young Adult Author Leza Lowitz

Ah, the dreaded "About" page. It's the one place on your author website where you're supposed to talk about yourself. No pressure, right? Well, fear not. I'm here to help you craft an About page that's both informative and entertaining. Here are a few pointers on what to include to get your creative juices going:

  • It all starts with a bio: Share your author bio and headshot.

  • Then, get a little personal: Include information about your writing style and genre, as well as any awards or accolades you've received. Personal details such as hobbies and interests can help readers connect with you on a personal level.

  • Life’s a journey, and so is writing a book: Share your writing journey, including how you got started, any challenges you've faced, and what motivates you.

  • Quirks - we’ve all got them: Share your quirks and idiosyncrasies - your readers will love them!

  • Writing habits are super interesting: Share your writing habits - do you have a particular routine, or do you write when inspiration strikes?

  • What inspires you?: Share what inspires you and where you find inspiration for your writing.

  • What’s cookin’?: Share any upcoming projects or books in the works - your readers will love getting a sneak peek!

Remember, your About page is a chance to connect with your readers on a personal level. So, it’s okay to be funky (if that’s your style) and have fun with it!

Books Page

The books page is a crucial section of your author website, as it's where you can showcase your work and encourage readers to purchase your books. Here are some essential elements to include:

  • Book covers: Display high-quality images of your book covers, as they serve as a visual representation of your work.

  • Single Book Page example from
    the website of 
    Young Adult Author 
    Leza Lowitz
    Book descriptions: Write compelling descriptions for each book that highlight its unique features and themes. Be sure to include keywords to help with search engine optimization (SEO).

  • Purchase links: Include links to online retailers where readers can purchase your books, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and independent bookstores.

  • Reviews: Display positive book reviews from readers, book bloggers, or reputable publications to build credibility and encourage potential readers.

  • Awards and honors: If your books have received any awards or honors, include them on this page to further establish your credibility as an author.

  • Series organization: If you have written multiple series or have books in different genres, consider organizing your books by series or category to make it easier for readers to find what they're looking for.

Your books page is your chance to sell your work to potential readers, so make it engaging and visually appealing. Consider including book trailers, author videos, or other multimedia elements to showcase your work in a unique way.


Starting a blog is an excellent way for authors to engage with their readers, share their thoughts, and promote their work. You don’t need to post all the time, we don’t want you to burn out, but it’s a great way to share your process and get closer to your audience. Here are some quick tips:

  • The content: Share your thoughts on writing, your writing process, or anything that your readers might find interesting. You can also share book reviews, interviews with other authors, or industry news.

  • The media: Including images and videos in your blog posts can make them more visually appealing and engaging. You can use free stock photo websites like Unsplash or Pexels to find high-quality images for your blog.

  • The calls to action: Engage with your readers by responding to their comments and questions. You can also ask for their feedback or opinions on your blog post topics.

  • Yes, you should promote this, too: Share your blog posts on social media and encourage your followers to visit your author website. You can also include links to your blog in your email signature or newsletter.

  • The collab opportunities: Collaborating with other authors on blog posts or guest posts can help you reach a wider audience and bring new readers to your website.

Remember to be authentic and true to your writing style when creating blog content - it’s there to showcase your personality even more and nurture your loyal fanbase. It’s also a wonderful excuse to email your newsletter subscribers when you’ve posted something new they should know about.

Contact Page

The contact page is where you can provide a way for readers to get in touch with you. Why would you want this? 

    Contact Page example from the website of 
    Young Adult Author Leza Lowitz
  • To create a deeper connection with your readers

  • To take requests/coordinate media events or partnerships

  • To get fan mail from teachers, librarians, and students

  • To show that you’re a real human being

  • To support hosting a pre-sell campaign (to send you results)

You can include a contact form or email address where readers can send you messages or get in touch with your agent or publisher. It’s also a great spot - if you only have one area where you promote this, but it should be on every page of your website (preferably in the footer or header) - to add a sign-up form for your email newsletter. 

Social Media Links

In this day in age, it’s more common for people to have social media and NOT have a website than have a website and not have social media. 

That said, it’s important to note that your website is your digital home base. You own that space. You don’t own your space on any social media platform. Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, etc. could disappear tomorrow and so would all those fans and connections. The best thing to do is establish your website as the home base and link to all your social media from there, and also consistently post on your social channels that you do - in fact - have a website.

Where should those social media links live on your author website? Here are a few areas:

  • In the header

  • In the footer

  • On the contact page

  • On your bio page

Feel free to mix and match the above locations so that your readers won’t miss where else they can find you on the internet.


Testimonials from readers, book reviewers, or other industry professionals can add credibility to your work and increase your chances of gaining new readers. You can include testimonials on your home page or books page, or create a separate page for them. Be sure to get permission from the person giving the testimonial before including it on your website. Here are a few other tips:

  • Ask for testimonials: Don't be afraid to reach out to readers or other industry professionals and ask them to provide a testimonial for your website, especially if they shared privately with you that they liked your book.

  • Showcase your best reviews: Highlight your most glowing reviews on your website to draw in new readers. Consider featuring quotes or snippets from reviews on your home page or books page.

When incorporating testimonials on your author website, remember that less is often more. Aim to showcase a few high-quality testimonials rather than overwhelming your audience with too many.


Phew! You've made it to the end! Websites can be complicated, but with this quick guide, now you have the essentials to ensure your website showcases your writing style and connects with your audience. But before I go, here are some final words of wisdom:

  • Remember to keep your website updated regularly with new content and engage with your readers to build a loyal fan base that will support your writing career for years to come.

  • Don't be afraid to let your personality shine through on your website. Readers want to connect with the real you, so be yourself and have fun with it!

  • Unlike social media channels, a newsletter list is yours. You own that information and that way of always being able to interact with your fans. Have a way for people to sign up to hear more from you via email you if they wish.

  • Finally, always remember that writing is a journey, and your website is just one stop along the way. So enjoy the ride, stay true to yourself and your writing, and never forget why you started in the first place.

I hope you've found this primer helpful because next week I’ll be diving into the actual research I conducted at the end of 2022 to discover what actual readers liked when it comes to author websites. 

All the winning sites had the above basic elements but, just like a book, readers care about function AND design. Next week, we’ll look at the design characteristics that won readers' hearts all over the world.

Until then, may your words flow like a river, your characters come alive on the page, and your stories capture the hearts and minds of readers everywhere. 

Happy writing!

Ayanna Coleman is a high-level marketing and creative concept strategist. As founder of Quill Shift, a boutique marketing agency, she helps thought leaders, experts, and creative thinkers expand on, clarify, and crystalize their next big ideas for programs, movements, or life-changing experiences so they (and their team) can make them a reality. Trained as a youth services librarian, she started her career at Hachette Book Group in digital marketing, moved into the nonprofit space and led programming and diversity initiatives at the Children’s Book Council, and over the last eight years has partnered with and led marketing initiatives on behalf of publishers, distributors, literary agencies, and startups across three continents. Snag a helpful author website checklist and gain access to more of Ayanna’s marketing tips and tutorials here.

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