Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Don't Be An April Fool... Sandra Beckwith Shares "Six Signs to Watch for So You Don’t Become the Victim of a Publishing Predator"

Unfortunately, there are some bad actors in publishing, and they seem to particularly target folks who have published their own books. 

This article by Sandra Beckwith over at Build Book Buzz offers insight and analysis of what a questionable solicitation can look like, and the list at the bottom of Six Signs to Watch for So You Don’t Become the Victim of a Publishing Predator is particularly worth noting.

screen shot of "Is Stratton Press a publishing predator? Here’s everything you need to know" by Sandra Beckwith on the Build Book Buzz site.

If you're in doubt, and as Sandra advises, it's always good to check ALLi's self-publishing services rating chart. And ask for some references! Stay safe out there, friends.

Illustrate, Translate, and Write On,

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