In the Atlantic division (Pennsylvania/Delaware/New Jersey/Wash DC/Virginia/West Virginia/Maryland), the winners are Laurie Wallmark, illustrated by April Chu -
Ada Byron Lovelace and the Thinking Machine (Creston Books)
In the Australia/New Zealand division there was a tie! The winners are Frané Lessac for
A is for Australia (Walker Books Australia) and Peter Carnavas for
Blue Whale Blues (New Frontier Publishing/Scholastic Australia)

In the California/Hawaii division, the winner is Stacey Lee for
Under a Painted Sky (Penguin BFYR)
In the Canada division, the winner is Margriet Ruurs for
A Brush Full of Colour (Pajama Press)
And in the International Other division, the winner is Angela Cerrito for
The Safest Lie (Holiday House)
In the Mid-South division (Kansas/Louisiana/Arkansas/Tennessee/Kentucky/Missouri/Mississippi), the winner is Stephanie Bearce for
Top secret Files of History – WWII (Prufrock Press)
and in the Middle East/India/Asia division, the winners are author Melanie Lee and illustrator David Liew for their
The Adventures of Squirky the Alien #3: Who is the Red Commander? (MPH Group Publishing)
In the Midwest division (Minnesota/Iowa/Nebraska/Wisconsin/Illinois/Michigan/Indiana/Ohio), the winners are author Pat Zietlow Miller and illustrator Eliza Wheeler for their
Wherever You Go (Little, Brown)
And in the New England division (Maine/Vermont/New Hampshire/Connecticut/Massachusetts/Rhode Island), the winner is Lynda Mullaly Hunt for Fish in a Tree (Nancy Paulsen Books)
In the New York division, the winner is Kat Yeh for
The Truth About Twinkie Pie (Little, Brown)
and in the Southeast division (Florida/Georgia/South Carolina/North Carolina/Alabama), the winners are author Rob Sanders and illustrator Brian Won for their
Outer Space Bedtime Race (Random House)
and in the Southwest division (Nevada/Arizona/Utah/Colorado/Wyoming/New Mexico), the winner is Melanie Crowder for Audacity (Philomel Books)
In the Texas/Oklahoma division, the winner is Don Tate for Poet: The Remarkable Story of George Moses Horton (Peachtree Publishers)
In the UK/Ireland division, the winner is Teri Terry for Mind Games (Orchard Books)
and in the West division (Washington/Oregon/Alaska/Idaho/Montana/North Dakota/South Dakota), the winner is Elise Parsley for
If You Ever Want to Bring an Alligator to School, DON’T! (Little, Brown)
Congratulations to all!
You can find out more about the Crystal Kite Awards here.