Friday, May 3, 2024

What Are All the Different Paths to Getting Your Work Published? The IBPA Publishing MAP (Models and Author Pathways) Helps You Explore the Options

Even for the same creator, each book project can have a different path to publication. The nonprofit Independent Book Publishers Association (I work for them as their Chief Content Officer) has put together a FREE overview and resource for the book publishing industry and for authors looking at different pathways to getting their creative works published. It's called the IBPA Publishing MAP (Models and Author Pathways).

Image of the first page of the IBPA Publishing MAP

The IBPA Publishing MAP includes eight different publishing models:

  • Association, Society, & Non-Profit Publishers
  • Author Publishers
  • Corporate Trade Publishers
  • Higher Education & Academic Publishers
  • Hybrid Publishers
  • Independent Publishers & Small Presses
  • Service Providers
  • University Presses

For each model, the IBPA Publishing MAP explores and explains these attributes:

  • Definition
  • Examples
  • How They are Funded
  • How They Generate Income
  • Model Characteristics
  • Appropriate for Authors Who
  • Not Right for Authors Who

Additionally, the IBPA Publishing MAP includes a discussion of areas of model overlap, a disclaimer regarding predatory business models, and links to related resources.

Many advisors, volunteers, and staff members worked together to make this first iteration of the guide the best it could be on release. As with all documents, there are always ways to improve it, especially as publishing continues to evolve. You can leave feedback here in comments or email the IBPA team at info (at) ibpa-online (dot) org

IBPA's hope is that this is helpful to members of the SCBWI community as you consider the different options for getting your creative work published!

Illustrate, Translate, and Write On,

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