Thursday, November 30, 2023

Interview with the members of PB Soar24

 Written by Leah Moser & the members of PB Soar24

From Left to right, Top to bottom:
Kealani Netane, Steena Hernandez, Meghana Narayan, Leah Moser
Ana Velez, Faith Kazmi, Jackie Morera, Arlene Abundis, Dara Henry
Laura Bower, Megan Woodward, Melissa Trempe, Kristi Mahoney

I connected with these fabulous debut authors/illustrators on social media. Together, we formed PB Soar24 - a promotional marketing group with traditionally published picture books coming out in 2024. 

To learn more about these creators, read below and follow us on Twitter/X and Instagram!

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Name: Leah Moser

Debut Picture Book: I Am a Thundercloud illustrated by Marie Hermansson

Publisher/Release Date: Running Press Kids/Hachette, April 2024

Describe yourself as a writer in ONE word: Empathetic

Why do you think promo groups are successful and helpful as a debut author? Connecting with authors in the same writing stage has been incredibly valuable. We are going through these next steps together for the first time. We have a build in support system and promote each other's work. I've loved getting to know these smart and creative people!

What's your favorite picture book you've read recently? 
My Red, White, and Blue by Alana Tyson illustrated by London Ladd. It was beautifully written and powerful.

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Name: Meghana Narayan

Debut Picture Book: A Little Bit of Everything illustrated by Michelle Carlos

Publisher/Release Date: Sleeping Bear Press, March 2024

Describe yourself as a writer in ONE word: Lyrical

Why do you think promo groups are successful and helpful as a debut author? 
I joined my debut group for community. Writing can be so solitary, and my writing always becomes stronger when there are more eyes and fingerprints on my work. There is also so much about the world of publishing that can feel elusive, if not completely foreign. Having others in your corner who you feel comfortable asking all the "silly" questions to can make this journey a lot easier. We all know how hard it's been to get to this point, so it only makes sense to extend a hand to the creator next to you. I have found almost everyone in the "kid lit" world to be generous, genuine, and kind. 

What's your favorite picture book you've read recently? 
Who Am I? Written by Julie Buchholtz, illustrated by Aliya Ghare

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Name: Megan Woodward

Debut Picture Book: This Book is Definitely Not Cursed illustrated by Risa Rodil

Publisher/Release Date: Simon and Schuster, June 2024

Describe yourself as a writer in ONE word: Funny

Why do you think promo groups are successful and helpful as a debut author? 
It helps us learn from each other and provides a natural extended network of support and promotion. I also believe that just chatting with others who are going through similar experiences and who are similarly clueless is beneficial for mental health. (It’s comforting to know I’m not the only doofus.) And then there’s all the FREE CARS! 
*That was a joke. There are no free cars. Not even toy ones.

What's your favorite picture book you've read recently? 
Fish and Crab written by Marianna Coppo

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Name: Jackie Morera

Debut Picture Book: Abuelo's Flower Shop illustrated by Deise Lino

Publisher/Release Date: Beaming Books, June 2024

Describe yourself as a writer in ONE word: Sincere

Why do you think promo groups are successful and helpful as a debut author? 
Promo groups are an excellent way to build community at any stage of your writing career, but especially as a debut when every step of the process is a discovery. It's nice to have people to venture out into the dark with!

What's your favorite picture book you've read recently? 
I recently read Santiago's Dinosaurious by Mariana Ríos Ramírez, and it was equal parts beautiful, educational, and inspiring.

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Name: Steena Hernandez

Debut Picture Book: Lupita's Brown Ballet Slippers illustrated by Melissa Castillo

Publisher/Release Date: Beaming Books, October 2024

Link to Preorder: Coming Soon

Describe yourself as a writer in ONE word: Hopeful

Why do you think promo groups are successful and helpful as a debut author? 
As a debut author, a promo group has been invaluable to a successful start in my publication journey, from helping navigate marketing, interviews, book tours/events, and even making friends along the way.

What's your favorite picture book you've read recently? 
A favorite picture book that I read recently is Mother of Sharks by Melissa Cristina Márquez and illustrated by Devin Elle Kurtz- a compelling fantastical story paving the way for Latinas in STEM books.

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Name: Ana Velez - author and illustrator

Debut Picture Book: The Three Little Guinea Pigs and the Andean Fox 

Publisher/Release Date: Page Street Publisher, August 2024

Describe yourself as a writer in ONE word: Accidental

Why do you think promo groups are successful and helpful as a debut author? 
We can accomplish more as a community, share tips we learn along the way, and support each other.

What's your favorite picture book you've read recently? 
I laughed reading Good News Bad News by author/illustrator Jeff Mack. He cleverly uses the 4 words in the title to tell the whole story.

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Laura Bower

Debut Picture Book: The Imposter illustrated by Kerisa Greene 

Publisher/Release Date: Gnome Road Publishing, March 2024

Describe yourself as a writer in ONE word: Dreamer

Why do you think promo groups are successful and helpful as a debut author? 
I think that promo groups are invaluable and am so thankful to be part of PB Soar. As a debut author, there are so many questions that arise and it has been so helpful to bounce ideas off of each other, discuss strategies, get tips and resources from a group of authors that know exactly what you are going through and are working towards the same goal!

What's your favorite picture book you've read recently? 
Becoming Charley by Kelly Dipucchio

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Name: Dara Henry

Debut Picture Book: Hanukkah Pajamakkahs illustrated by Olga and Aleksey Ivanov

Publisher/Release Date: Sourcebooks Kids, September 2024

Link to Preorder: Coming Soon

Describe yourself as a writer in ONE word: Persistent

Why do you think promo groups are successful and helpful as a debut author? 
Being a debut author is incredibly exciting, but it’s also a little scary. There is so much to learn about the publishing industry, and promotional groups are helpful, especially for debut authors, because everyone in the group is going through the publishing process for the first time. Group members understand the writing journey, offer support, and work together as a team throughout the months leading up to publication. These groups become valuable resources and act as a network, helping to spread the word about publishing news, marketing efforts, and even boost visibility online. Additionally, promotional groups are a fantastic way to build lasting relationships and create valuable friendships with other authors.

What's your favorite picture book you've read recently? 
There are so many wonderful picture books out there, it’s really hard to name just one, but recently I read: Wombats Are Pretty Weird: A (Not So) Serious Guide by Abi Cushman. This book is a favorite because not only is it kid-friendly and funny, but it’s also jam-packed with facts that kids (and adults) will want to know about wombats. With comic panels, silly dialogue, and adorable characters, Wombats Are Pretty Weird was a hit in my house. 

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Name: Kristi Mahoney

Debut Picture Book: Alpacas Make Terrible Librarians illustrated by Chantelle and Burgen Thorne

Publisher/Release Date: Gnome Road Publishing, Fall 2024

Link to Preorder: Coming Soon

Describe yourself as a writer in ONE word: Optimist

Why do you think promo groups are successful and helpful as a debut author? 
Promo groups are often initially formed to provide added reach and exposure of your debut book. But I’ve found the very best part is the wonderful people you get to know from all over the country in the same stage of their writing journey.

What's your favorite picture book you've read recently? 
I love THE LOUD LIBRARIAN by Jenna Beatrice and Erika Lynne Jones. It’s wonderfully written, beautifully illustrated, and the ending is uniquely untraditional for picture book standards.

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Faith Kazmi

Debut Picture Book: Box of Dreams illustrated by Christine Almeda

Publisher/Release Date: HarperCollins, May 2024

Describe yourself as a writer in ONE word: Heartfelt

Why do you think promo groups are successful and helpful as a debut author? 
It's a great way to meet and learn from others in a similar stage in your writing career and share best practices for how to get the word out. Also, it's another incredible support network, and you can never have too many writing friends. 

What's your favorite picture book you've read recently? 
Dear Mr. G, by Christine Evans and Gracey Zhang

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Name: Melissa Trempe

Debut Picture Book: Ladybug Launch: Inspired by a True Story of Chinitas in Space coauthored by Dr. Natalia Ojeda and illustrated by Manuela Montoya

Publisher/Release Date: Margaret K. McElderry (Simon & Schuster), April 2024

Describe yourself as a writer in ONE word: Persistent

Why do you think promo groups are successful and helpful as a debut author? 
Being a part of a debut group has so many benefits. First and foremost, you are there to help promote each other’s books, and the network of ten is mightier than the network of one! We all know the writing world is full of rejection and can feel lonely, so the more author friends you have in your corner, the better. At times you can take the lead in your group and help others, and when life is overwhelming, you can also step back and lean on your group for help.

Perhaps one of the best parts is the peer pressure. Hear me out! I would happily crawl under a pile of blankets and pray to the book gods that my debut be an instant success. Unfortunately, that’s not how marketing works, and my group is a great motivator to get moving! When I hear how other authors are being brave and reaching out to schools, libraries, and bookstores, it’s much easier to stop putting off that intimidating to-do list.

All debut authors are new to the publishing game, and finding fellowship with other debut’s is a life saver! I’m so grateful for my group, PB Soar 24, and I can’t wait to cheer each author on as our books come into the world!

What's your favorite picture book you've read recently? 

Splash! Ethelda Bleibtrey Makes Waves of Change by Elisa Boxer and illustrated by Elizabeth Baddeley. A beautiful written biography about a woman who fought through the pain of polio to become an Olympic gold medal swimmer, and bring women equal rights.

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Name: Arlene Abundis

Debut Picture Book: Into the Mighty Sea illustrated by Cynthia Alonso 

Publisher/Release Date: HarperCollins Children, June 2024

Describe yourself as a writer in ONE word: Evocative

Why do you think promo groups are successful and helpful as a debut author? 
I believe promo groups are successful and helpful as a debut author because it builds support and community. Launching a book requires marketing and publicity strategies which can simultaneously be exhilarating and daunting, so having a team of authors in the same journey, coming together, is pivotal. You learn together while promoting each other’s books and expanding more as a collective.

What's your favorite picture book you've read recently? 
A favorite picture book I recently read was Every Night at Midnight by Peter Cheong. A lone werewolf who prowls at night by himself, finds friendship and his pack in the most unexpected way. 

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Name: Kealani Netane

Debut Picture Book: Tala Learns to Siva illustrated by Dung Ho 

Publisher/Release Date: Scholastic, May 2024

Describe yourself as a writer in ONE word: Overthinker

Why do you think promo groups are successful and helpful as a debut author? 
Promo groups are helpful as a debut author because we are all venturing into the unknown together. Our collective knowledge of the publishing industry makes debut life so much easier. We have people to turn to when we are unsure about something. For instance, my editor’s assistant recently let me know that she was sending a sample of my book. Before joining a debut group, I didn’t even know that publishers send book samples, but two people in my group already received their samples so I had an inkling of what to do with my sample. 

What's your favorite picture book you've read recently? 
I loved GRUMPY NEW YEAR by Katrina Moore. It’s the sequel to GRANDPA GRUMPS. Daisy is visiting her grandpa in China and she’s so excited that she doesn’t sleep, which leads to her grumpiness. She must find a way to feel better so she can enjoy the New Year celebrations. I love how Katrina Moore captures the perspective of a child. Daisy is so relatable.

About the Author

Leah Moser is a former elementary school teacher turned children’s book author. She lives in Northern Virginia with her husband, three children, and dog. 

Leah is a member of the SCBWI community, 12x12 PB challenge, multiple picture book critique groups, PB Soar 24 (a promotional marketing group of authors debuting in 2024), and is a judge for Vivian Kirkfield’s 50 Precious Words contest. 

Additionally, Leah has recently launched her own freelance picture book editing company to help other writers! To work with Leah or learn about her available services, click here.

Leah is represented by Daniel Cramer of Page Turner Literary Agency. Her debut picture book titled I Am a Thundercloud, illustrated by Marie Hermansson, will be released in April 2024 by Running Press Kids/Hachette.  PREORDER HERE!

Connect with Leah and follow her on InstagramTwitter, and Bluesky.

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