Thursday, February 25, 2021

The SCBWI Spark Award (for Best Books Published Non-Traditionally in 2020) Goes To...

The Spark Award is an annual award that recognizes excellence in a children’s book published through a non-traditional publishing route.

This year's winners and honorees were announced at #NY21SCBWI. The winner of the SCBWI Spark Award for Picture Books is Mama's Waves by Chandra Ghosh Ippen, illustrated by Erich Ippen Jr.

The winner of the SCBWI Spark Award for Books for Older Readers is Sometimes Brave by Trista Wilson.

Two honor winners were announced as well, for Picture Books, "My Friend" written and illustrated by Estrela Lourenco, and for Books for Older Readers, "I Wish My Words Tasted Better" by Kris Abel-Helwig.

Congratulations to the winners and honorees!

Illustrate, Translate, and Write On,

P.S. If you're interested in submitting your 2021 published book to the SCBWI Spark Award, you can find out all the details here.


  1. Thrilled to win the 2020 SCBWI Spark Honor Award in the Books for Older Readers category. Thank you for recognizing books published non-traditionally.

    Kris Abel-Helwig

  2. We are so thrilled and grateful to SCBWI for having selected Mama's Waves as the 2020 Spark Award Winner. We hope that this helps families who might benefit from the book to find Ellie's story and start healing conversations. Thank you!

  3. We are so thrilled and grateful to SCBWI for having selected Mama's Waves as the 2020 Spark Award Winner. We hope that this helps families who might benefit from the book to find Ellie's story and start healing conversations. Thank you! Chandra
