Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Celebrate World Kindness: The November Theme for the SCBWI Recommended Reading List 2020

Over 250 books from SCBWI PAL members ranging from YA, middle grade, graphic novels and picture books, have been submitted to take part in this member opportunity. Each month SCBWI will focus on a theme and curate the books to help parents, caregivers, librarians, booksellers – everyone who loves children’s books and YA – find the right one for them, their kids, or their customers.

November kicks off with the theme of World Kindness through books that focus on warm-hearted, humane, and sympathetic stories. Also, each month, SCBWI will feature an original illustration created by one of our talented illustrator members. Neha Rawat kicks things off with her wonderful artwork.

Check out the books on the SCBWI Recommended Reading List here.

Illustrate and Write On,

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