Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Launching a Debut Picture Book in the Middle of a Pandemic - Claire Annette Noland Shares Her Experience On the SCBWI So Cal Kite Tales Blog

This post at the blog of the SCBWI Tri-Regions of Southern California, by Claire Annette Noland, about the launch of her debut picture book (illustrated by Alicia Teba and published by Cardinal Rules Press) is well worth reading!

The book, Evie's Field Day
"features a competitive girl set on winning her school’s field day events. The book’s release was scheduled to coincide with end-of-the-school-year activities. In March, when the pandemic caused us to shelter at home, we thought it would soon be over. Then reality set in. Schools, bookstores, and parks closed. Suddenly, my calendar was empty. But the book was being released and I wasn’t going to give up on my dream of it reaching children. It was time to make a new plan..."

Their solution was innovative, creating an “At Home Field Day” that children and their families could celebrate that tied into the book.

For all of us, it is definitely a moment to, as Claire puts it, "Call on Community," "Be Flexible," and "Step Out of Your Comfort Zone."

Illustrate and Write On,

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