Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lee's Personal/Professional News To Share

Hi my SCBWI community!

This has been in the works for a while, and I'm excited to announce that
I'm the New Vice President of Digital, Communications and Community Engagement at Little Pickle Press!

Whoo- Hoo!

It's a full-time job, but don't worry - I'll continue to blog as my independent self for SCBWI, and lead the amazing Team Blog at SCBWI's two major international conferences each year in New York and Los Angeles.

I'll also continue to blog at my personal blog, I'm Here. I'm Queer. What the Hell Do I Read? as well as keep writing evenings and weekends towards getting my own stories out into the world.

It's a new adventure on the other side of a publishing/media company, working as part of an amazing team of people with a vision to create content for kids and teens that makes our world a better place. That's so my vision, too.

Happy to share my good news, and tomorrow we'll get back to our regular SCBWI: The Blog goodness!

Illustrate and Write On!


  1. Congratulations and good luck in your new position, Lee!

  2. Congratulations, Lee! Hope you are completely engaged and challenged in your new position--woohoo!

  3. Congratulations! But, wow, is your plate full now. :)

  4. Thanks Dow, Laura and Tricia! And yes, Tricia, my plate is now officially "full!" But I'm thrilled...

  5. Congratulations, Lee! New adventures are time-consuming but also so fulfilling! Best of luck.

  6. Lee, This is worthy of a tasty pickle YAY!

