Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hey Bloggers! KidLit Con 2010 Is Set for October

Attention all you bloggers out there... have you heard about Kidlit Con 2010?

Kidlit Con is a conference just for the community of children's and young adult book bloggers. The 2010 event will be held at Open Book in Minneapolis on Saturday, October 23 and is hosted by three kidlit editors--Andrew Karre (Carolrhoda), Ben Barnhart (Milkweed), and Brian Farrey (Flux). Blogger and New York Times Bestselling Author Maggie Stiefvater is the keynote speaker for the event, which will include a full day of innovative and informative sessions.

Says Carolrhoda Publisher Andrew Karre:
Blogging and social media are increasingly important to every facet of book promotion in trade and library markets. Everyone knows this. It’s more than promotion though. I think these tools will play a role in shaping the artistic future of the genre. The uniquely collegial and cooperative community of kidlit authors and reviewers does itself a big favor when it supports events like these. I hope our Kidlitosphere has something for everyone from bloggers to authors to librarians trying to facilitate teen reading groups. Most of all, I hope it provides a forum for lots of unexpected conversations.

Click here for a helpful post on who should attend and why.

For updates about the event as well as registration and hotel informaion, visit the Kidlit Con blog. You can also follow Kidlit Con 2010 on Twitter.

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