Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Kate Hannigan tells us about her Golden Kite Award-Winning "The Detective's Assistant"

In which Kate tells us about how she first heard of the first female detective to work for the famous Pinkerton's National Detective Agency...

Thanks, Kate! And cheers for winning the Golden Kite Award for fiction for your MG historical novel, "The Detective's Assistant."

Congratulations also to blog reader Christina Wilsdon for the great question! Christina, please email me your mailing address at leewind (at) roadrunner (dot) com so I can mail you the copy of "The Detective's Assistant" that Kate signed right before recording our interview!

Illustrate and Write On,


  1. How fabulous, Kate! What a wonderful idea and great decision to write your own tale instead of being limited by hard, cold facts. I am a big fan of weaving history into fiction (or the other way around?) in my own work and in my choice of reading for fun. Cannot wait to get my hands (and into my children's hands) your book.

    And as I write to you from my home in Cairo, Egypt...I urge you not to discard you camel idea. Hurray for camels, though they may be from another planet, strange creatures they. Looking forward to that story, as well.

    - Eden

  2. How fabulous, Kate! What a wonderful idea and great decision to write your own tale instead of being limited by hard, cold facts. I am a big fan of weaving history into fiction (or the other way around?) in my own work and in my choice of reading for fun. Cannot wait to get my hands (and into my children's hands) your book.

    And as I write to you from my home in Cairo, Egypt...I urge you not to discard you camel idea. Hurray for camels, though they may be from another planet, strange creatures they. Looking forward to that story, as well.

    - Eden
