Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Brilliance from Jane Yolen (courtesy of Julie Hedlund)

"The eye and the ear are different listeners."
- Jane Yolen

Jane Yolen is a legend, the author of over 300 books for children and teens, a member of SCBWI's Board of Advisors, and a brilliant teacher!

Julie Hedlund attended a recent Picture Book Boot Camp Jane offered, and shared on her own blog this great post with some of her take-aways and Jane's advice, including:

If you believe your good reviews, you will have to believe your bad reviews, too. Better to believe in the piece that you are writing.
The post also included this fascinating and very useful video glimpse of the workshop:

Thanks to Jane for the insights and to Julie for sharing!

Illustrate and Write On,


  1. Wow! Thank you for sharing my post and video. Jane is the queen of inspiration!

  2. Thank you so much! Great insights well spoken.
