Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Sold-Out 2013 SCBWI Summer Conference (#LA13SCBWI) Starts Tomorrow!

Three things you should know...


If you won't be here in Los Angeles for the conference, you can still follow along and get a taste of all the excitement at The Official SCBWI Conference Blog!

If you are one of the lucky 1,000+ attendees, make sure to check out the conference blog for highlights of the sessions you missed and to add your own comments to the keynotes and moments that Rocked Your World!

Either way, you should bookmark the conference blog!


If you're on twitter, make sure to add SCBWI's Team Bloggers to the people you follow:


If you're not on twitter, you can still check out the latest tweets from the conference by doing a twitter search on the hashtag #la13scbwi.  

Either way, twitter offers a great window into what's happening "right now" - and the conference retweets always include great conference moment quotes!

(Remember, if you are attending, to add #la13scbwi to your conference tweets.)


Check out this "SCBWI conference etiquette" video.  If you're attending, it's good advice.  If you're not attending, it's a good laugh!

Thanks to Arthur A. Levine and Paula Yoo for being my co-conspirators on this now-classic.

Illustrate and Write ...and Conference On,

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