Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Query Letters To Agents That Worked

Jason Boog for MediaBistro's Galleycat pulled together this great resource, 23 Query Letters To Literary Agents That Worked.

Some are shared by the authors (one tells us that it was the 22nd version of their query that got noticed and ultimately led to 5 offers of representation!) And some are shared by the agents who now represent those authors (including one query written in the voice of a character that was a masterful feat of derring-do and voice.)  They are all well-worth reading!

As you craft your query letter (or delay doing just that), let these stories and examples inspire and galvanize you into creating your best query.

But remember, don't query until your work is ready. Because no matter how excellent your pitch, your material has to deliver!

Illustrate, Write and Query On,

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