Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"THE BOOK" - SCBWI's Essential Guide to Publishing For Children

Have you looked at - and read - this latest publication from SCBWI?  It's pretty amazing!  (Okay, full disclosure, I have an article in it, Essential Reference Books on Writing & Illustrating for Children & Teens, where I interviewed over 25 experts to get their top recommendations.)  But it's not amazing just for that - THE BOOK is packed with all new articles, market surveys, how-tos, directories and resources.

I asked THE BOOK's executive editor Kim Turrisi to share the vision for this completely re-thought guide...

With the 2013 Publications Guide, now called THE BOOK, our mission was to make it the go-to resource for children’s book writers and illustrators.

We also gave it a fresh, upstaged look.  THE BOOK is filled with over thirty current essential articles on many aspects of the children’s book publishing industry, including marketing your children’s book, how to make a book trailer, maximizing social media and self-publishing practices. We have also incorporated crucial publishing surveys and directories: The 2013 Market Survey (a comprehensive house-by-house listing of editors, art directors and key personnel in the children’s market), The International Market Survey, The Book Reviewers Directory as well as a listing of Essential Reference books for any aspiring children’s book professional.

It’s a 300 page comprehensive, hands-on tool designed to guide children’s book writers and illustrators through their publishing career. THE BOOK is a practical guide of the nuts and bolts of the publishing community specifically published for our members. Anyone who’s aspiring to have a career in children’s book publishing needs this book. 

THE BOOK is divided into seven main sections,

Preparing & Submitting Your Work 
(Including "From Keyboard To Printed Page," "SCBWI Illustrators Guide" and "Self-Publishing: Best Practices")

Market Surveys
(Including "Edited By," "Magazine Market Guide," and "Educational Press Market Survey")

Directories & Resources
(Including "Agents Directory," "International Schools Directory" and "From Idea To Execution")

Publicizing Your Published Work
(Including "1000+ Ways to Promote Yourself and Your Books," "RIP for the Press Release?? Not So Fast!" and "Crafting Your Book Marketing Plan")

School Visits
(Including "Doing School Visits in the United States," "Guide To International School Visits," and "Sample Lecture Contract")

Legal Questions
(Including "Copyright Facts for Writers," "Contract Questions and Answers," and "SCBWI Sample Children's Book Contract")

My Work
(Pages to help keep track of your projects and submission record.)

As Kim shared,
From the moment the 2013 version of THE BOOK debuted, we’ve received countless emails and phone calls from both members and industry professionals about what a fantastic tool it is for authors and illustrators of children’s books. One woman called and said she keeps it on her desk and refers to it all of the time. It was our goal to give our members something tangible that will help them throughout their careers whether they are just starting out or are already published. 

How do you get a copy?

All new members automatically receive THE BOOK in their new member packet that SCBWI mails out.  Existing members can request a hard copy of the book by sending a check for $6.00 made out to the SCBWI with a note requesting THE BOOK.   SCBWI, 8271 Beverly Blvd., LA, CA 90048

Current members can download THE BOOK online from scbwi.org here.

Get your copy.  Read your copy.  And Illustrate and Write On,


  1. Thanks. Lee. I downloaded my copy.
    Susan at Pen and Ink

  2. Will the book be available at the summer conference?
