Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The 2012 Crystal Kite Members Choice Awards Round Two Voting Is Happening Now!

SCBWI members have until this Friday, March 16, 2012 to vote for the winning title in your region! 

Here's how you vote:

1.  Log onto www.scbwi.org

2.  Navigate to your regional home page

3.  Click on the Crystal Kite tab

4.  Click the button next to one of the shortlisted titles from your division to make your selection.

That's it!  

For the Official Crystal Kite Member Choice Award Guidelines, go here.

The authors and illustrators whose works have been nominated are not allowed to campaign, with the goal being that people should vote based on their personal opinion of which is the best of the short-listed works in their region.  So since you won't hear it from the authors and illustrators...

Go cast a vote for the 2012 Crystal Kite Member Choice Award from your region! 
Winners will be announced on April 30th.

Illustrate and Write... and Vote On!

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