Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mark Your Calendars for SCBWI's 40th Annual Summer Conference! (It's Gonna Be Awesome)

August 5-8...Grab a highlighter and circle the days or pull up your Google calendar and make a note--SCBWI plans to celebrate its 40th anniversary with a bang with a spectacular summer conference.

Keynote speakers include such greats as Mary Pope Osborne, Laurie Halse Anderson, John Green, Donna Jo Napoli, Jerry Pinkney, Jon Sciezka, David Small, Gary Paulson, Norton Juster and Bruce Coville.

Panels of more than 20 top editors, art directors and agents will present the current and future state of the industry, as well as special sessions on electronic publishing. This year’s conference will also feature specialized tracks for nonfiction writers, illustrators, and published professionals (all specialized tracks are available at no additional charge).

This year, the conference format will be slightly different than in the past. The main sessions--made up of keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and optional manuscript and portfolio critiques--will take place over three days, August 5-7.

The final day of the conference, August 8, is an optional intensive day for a limited number of authors and illustrators. The Writer Intensive will feature three-hour, hands-on workshops on various topics, in addition to a round-table critique of your work led by an editor or agent. The Illustrator Intensive will feature up-close craft demonstrations by seven leading illustrators.

Intensives have limited space and will fill up quickly, so plan to be by your computer on April 15th when registration opens to ensure you get a spot--better mark your calender again.

As always, SCBWI TEAM BLOG will offer live coverage of the event as it happens as well as pre-conference interviews with the amazing faculty so watch this space (and the spaces of the other TEAM BLOG blogs) and prepare to be enticed.


  1. So cool!! That last day sounds awesome. I hope I can arrange things...

  2. Oh, this formatting change is intriguing! I'll be ready on the 15th. I REALLY want to get into an intensive!

  3. LA here I come. Marking my calendar: Tax Day = SCBWI LA Registration Day :)

  4. You had me at Laurie Halse Anderson :)

  5. I am a "NEWBIE" and I am excited for this. I can't wait to attend this summer conference. Ya-hoo!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Alice,
    This will be my 1st SCBWI Conference, and I'd like to lower the cost of attendance by sharing a hotel room with another attendee if possible.
    Do you know if SCBWI has a message board I can use for this? Or any other tips?
    I'm so excited, it's hard to wait till August!
