“If you poured water on a great poem, you would get a novel.”
-Gloria Steinem, from the New York Times Book Review, “By the Book” interview from Sunday November 1, 2015.
“If you poured water on a great poem, you would get a novel.”
Teacher & librarian friends... If this is something you plan to share with students, please also take time to talk about what it means to have someone's back when it comes to fighting bullying and bigotry. Wearing a safety pin (or putting up a poster) doesn't really help unless it's accompanied by a promise of action. Speaking up and standing beside people who are being targeted requires courage, commitment, and planning. Here's a resource that I think is great for talking with middle grade kids and older. https://www.splcenter.org/20150126/speak-responding-everyday-bigotryAnd, of course, children's literature is a great resource to have these conversations with younger people as well!
1) Limit your writing time to those moments when you are seized by a great burst of inspiration that bathes you in a golden light of free flowing creativity. These moments, when the words seem to flow from your very finger tips, may only strike a few days out of every month. Or a few minutes in every day. Or perhaps once or twice in a lifetime. But if you are patient and wait for lightning to strike, you'll finish your novel in no time. Assuming you are immortal.Check out the full article here.
The SCBWI Book Blast has been running since October 10 and, to date, we have had over 25,000 visitors browsing and buying the great children's books created by our membership.So go on over and browse SCBWI Member's books and leave some comments in the Book Blast guestbooks! Have fun, and good luck!
Book Blast will be open until Friday, November 18. We want to encourage every SCBWI member to go on to browse and shop for books.
To add a little incentive for you to do this, we're establishing the 10 Plus Club Giveaway.
To enter all you have to do is browse the pages, pick 10 books and leave a comment in the Guestbook. Once you've left 10 comments, email us at BBfan (at) scbwi (dot) org by Sunday 11/13 with your list of the 10 books (just the title will do) you've commented on.
You will then be eligible for the drawing. The drawing will be on Tuesday 11/15. Five lucky winners will receive a $100 VISA gift card.
Join with our community in supporting Book Blast, and have a chance to spread book love and win some money, too!